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Our Clients

These are some of our satisfied customers.

Bonei Olam

Who can measure the profound joy a mother experiences with her baby's first cry?

Bonei Olam’s mission is to help couples that are experiencing infertility realize their dreams of enjoying these moments.

Bonei Olam was founded by a group of individuals who themselves experienced the hardships of infertility and its mission is to provide funding for all aspects of fertility treatments, thus relieving couples of the financial, emotional and physical stress resulting from infertility.

Bonei Olam has developed a strong and dedicated network of doctors and fertility centers across the world, enabling them to offer unsurpassed medical and financial assistance to all applicants.

Bonei Olam understands how important confidentiality is to the infertile couple. The very nature of their problem strips them of their privacy. Having to ask for financial assistance often seems like just one more indignity to be suffered.

When a couple contacts Bonei Olam, they are assigned to a personal counselor who is trained to guide them through the labyrinth of medical information and the negotiation of payment plans. Only their counselor knows the couple by name. All other communication with Bonei Olam is by PIN number only.

To date, over two thousand of the many couples that Bonei Olam has assisted have B"H given birth to children of their own. If not for Bonei Olam, these couples would not have had alternative avenues to finance their treatments. Most fertility Centers refuse to treat patients before they have been financially cleared. Most insurance plans do not cover substantial parts of fertility treatments, considering them elective medicine.


Chai Life Line

Chai Lifeline’s guiding principles are

  • That seriously ill children need and deserve as happy and normal a childhood as possible;
  • That illness affects each member of the family;
  • That the well-being of an ill child is impacted by the well-being of his or her family;
  • That pediatric illness can have a devastating financial effect on families.

With this in mind, Chai Lifeline strives to

  • Find ways to bring joy to the lives of our young patients and their families through creative, innovative, and effective family-centered programs, activities, and services;
  • Engender hope and optimism in children, families, and communities;
  • Educate and involve communities in caring for ill children and their families;
  • Provide unparalleled support throughout the child’s illness, recovery, and beyond;
  • Offer all services free of charge to ensure that every family has access to the programs it needs;
  • Embody the ideals of compassion, kindness, and caring for others inherent in Jewish culture and life.

Alabama Credit Union

What We Do

With one of the highest poverty rates in the country, 20 percent of Alabama's children live below the poverty level. Even free or reduced-price meals don't fill the gap these hungry children experience on weekends.

To reduce the number of hungry children, Alabama Credit Union is partnering with regional food banks and volunteers to discreetly provide healthy weekend meals through Secret Meals For Hungry Children. We are dedicated to this program and the long-term benefits it provides — nutritionally healthy children learn better, feel better and have greater self-esteem. And, counselors tell us the children look forward to receiving the food packs; in many cases the nourishment is delivered with the care and attention that are lacking in these children's lives.

In the first Secret Meals school year, 2008-09, 18 schoolchildren found Secret Meals quietly slipped into their backpacks. In the school year just past, that total had jumped to over 900. Your contributions have made this possible, and 100% of your donation goes directly to Secret Meals; Alabama Credit Union donates all administrative time and costs.


The Valerie Funds

Our Mission

The Valerie Fund's mission is to provide support for the comprehensive health care of children with cancer and blood disorders.

Our Beginning

The Valerie Fund is a not-for-profit organization established in 1976 in memory of nine-year-old Valerie Goldstein by her parents, Ed and Sue.

Our Impact

Families turn to The Valerie Fund because of the unique combination of medical care, counseling, and other services it provides. The Valerie Fund Children's Centers comprise the largest network of healthcare facilities for children with cancer and blood disorders in New Jersey, and one of the largest in the nation. We host over 25,000 patient visits each year.


Meir Punim

American Friends of Meir Panim

American Friends of Meir Panim (AMFP) was established to promote, support and further the programs and activities of other organizations which are committed to providing both immediate and long-term relief to the impoverished - young and old alike - via its dynamic range of food and social service programs, all aimed at helping the needy with dignity and respect.

AFMP funds organizations such as Meir Panim based upon grant applications submitted to it and decided upon by the Board of Directors. AFMP is an independent entity and operates according to the laws of New York State and the United States of America.

For the last decade, tens of thousands of disadvantaged men, women, and children - including Holocaust survivors - have turned to Meir Panim as their source of hope for a brighter future. Meir Panim's unwavering commitment to the people of Israel has helped bring lasting relief to the poor, encouragement for the less fortunate, new opportunities for struggling families, and hope for children-at-risk.

Meir Panim depends upon AFMP support to provide an effective and realistic solution to Israel’s poverty crisis. Your generous support will help bring lasting relief to the poor, encouragement for the less fortunate, new opportunities for struggling families, and hope for children-at-risk.

The Problem:

According to the latest poverty report from the National Insurance Institute in November 2011, there are 1,773,400 people living below the poverty line; among them are 837,300 children! Two out of every five Israeli children are suffering from hunger, one in four people are living in poverty, and one in five of the elderly are in need of immediate assistance.

The Solution:

The food and social service programs funded by American Friends of Meir Panim help to alleviate the harmful effects of poverty in the short-term and provide long-term, proactive solutions to assist needy Israelis to break out of the cycle of poverty and become active, self-sufficient members of Israeli society.


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